Tag Archive: Barack Obama, chained CPI, cola, congress, consumer price index, money, poverty, retirement, Savings, social security.

Poll: Older Americans Say ‘No’ to Social Security Changes
Nov 04, 2013 Jeremy Parkinson Finance 0
CHICAGO — Raise the age at which you can begin collecting full Social Security benefits? Older Americans say no. They also veto reductions in the cost-of-living increase. But a poll finds support among those 50 and older for raising the cap on earnings that are taxed to fund the Social Security program so higher-income workers pay more. […]

Why 65 Is Too Young to Retire
Oct 22, 2013 Jeremy Parkinson Finance 0
The magical age 65 that signaled retirement time for our parents might not hold true for the baby boomer generation. Sure the idea is appealing to call it quits before we are too old to appreciate and enjoy our second act. But the reality may be that 65 is just too young to retire. Some […]